Dictionary of Occult - Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils
Occ. The sigil most usually linked wirth the DEVIL, supposedly as a vestigial drawing of the horns and goat-beard,
Is said by BLAVATSKY 1888 to be the esoteric sigil for the Kali Yuga, the 'Dark Age' , which according to certain esoteric circles began about 4,500 years ago. The sigil is 'the sign of human sorcery, with its two points (horns) turned heavenwards, a position every Occultist will recognize as one of tfte "left-hand", and used in Ceremonial Magic' .
Occ. The 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet (see HEBRAIC SCRIPT) for which many derivative sigillic forms are recorded within the tradition of secret alphabets, notably those collected by BARTOLOZZI 1675 :
WIRTH 1927 equates kaph with the Tarot STRENGTH ARCANUM, and thus with zodiacal Leo. In his record of the graphic etymology of tne letter from the vestigial drawing, he traces a connexion with the idea of a palm, and there does indeed appear to be a link between the ancient forms and the heraldic plant of Upper Eqypt, as indicated (in a non-occult context) by JENSEN 1970. WIRTH 1927 gives the forms :
Geo. Sigil given by HEYDON 1664 for one of the geomantic spirits :
This sigil is probably copied wrongly from AGRIPPA 1531, who gives a similar form for a spirit of Venus.
Alc. Two mediaeval sigils recorded by SIGNA 17C :
Mag. Sigil of a spirit (perhaps Kyniel) given by HEYDON 1664 to represent the letter K in the secret writing called 'The Alphabet of Angels and Genii’ :
Occ. The 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet (see HEBRAIC SCRIPT) for which many derivative sigillic forms are recorded within the tradition of secret alphabets, notably those collected by BARTOLOZZI 1675 :
WIRTH 1927 equates koph with the Tarot SUN ARCANUM and (not surprisingly in view of the iconography of the card) with the zodiacal Gemini, and gives the following forms as indicative of the line of development which the letter took among the early alphabets :
It would appear that the letter did in fact develop, as he suggests, from an Egyptian hieroglyphic with the pictorial value of 'head’.
Ast. SUCHER 1975 appears to link the sigil for Arias
with the Sphere of the Kyriotetes, otherwise known as the Dominions, the rulers of the Sphere of Jupiter,
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