72 Angels and Demons
72 Angels and Demons
1.Vehuaiah - Subtle spirit. Endowed with great wisdom, enthusiastic for science and the arts, capable of undertaking and accomplishing the most difficult things.
2. Jeliel - To quell popular uprisings. To obtain victory over those who attack unjustly. Sprightly spirit, agreeable and courteous manners, passionate for sex.
3. Sitael - Against adversities. Protects against weapons and wild beasts. Loves truth, will keep his word, will oblige those in need of his services.
4. Elemiah - Against mental troubles and for the identification of traitors. Governs voyages, seatravels. Industrious, successful, keen for travel.
5. Mahasiah - To live in peace with everyone. Governs high science, occult philosophy, theology, theliberal arts. Learns easily, keen for honest pleasures.
6. Lelahel - To acquire knowledge and cure disease. Governs love, renown, science, arts and fortune.Features (include) ambition, fame.
7. Achaiah - Governs patience, secrets of nature. Loves learning, proud to accomplish the mostdifficult tasks.
8. Cahetel - To obtain the benediction of God and to drive away evil spirits. Governs agricultural production. Inspires man to rise towards God.
9. Aziel - Mercy of God, friendship and favor of the great, execution of a promise made (sic). Governs good faith and reconciliation. Sincere in promises, will easily extend pardon.
10 Aladiah - Good for those guilty of hidden crimes and fearing discovery. Governs rage and pestilence, cure of disease. Good health, successful in his undertakings.
11 Lauviah - Against lightning and for the obtainment (sic) of victory. Governs renown. Great personage, learned, celebrated for personal talents.
12 Hahaiah - Against adversity. Governs dreams. Mysteries hidden from mortals. Gentle, witty,discreet manners.
13 Iezalel - Governs friendship, reconciliation, conjugal fidelity. Learns easily. Adroit.
14. Mebahel - Against those who seek to usurp the fortunes of others. Governs justice, truth, liberty. Delivers the oppressed and protects prisoners. Loves jurisprudence, affinity for law courts.
15 Hariel - Against the impious. Governs sciences and arts. Religious sentiments, morally pure.
16 Hakamiah - Against traitors and for deliverance from those who seek to oppress us . Govern crowned heads, great captains. Gives victory. Frank, loyal, brave character, sensitive to points of honour, an affinity for Venus.
17 Lauviah - To be invoked while fasting. Against mental anguish, sadness. Governs high sciences, marvelous discoveries. Gives revelations in dreams. Loves music, poetry, literature and philosophy.
18 Caliel - To obtain prompt aid. Makes truth known in law suits, causes innocence to triumph. Just, honest, loves truth, judiciary.
19 Leuviah - To be invoked while facing South. To obtain the grace of God. Governs memory, human intelligence. Amiable, lively, modest, bearing of adversity with resignation.
20 Pahaliah - Against enemies of religion, for the conversion of nations to Christianity (!). Governs religion, theology, morality, chastity, purity. Ecclesiastical vocation.
21 Nelebael - Against calumniators and spells and for the destruction of evil spirits. Governs astronomy, mathematics, geography and all abstract sciences. Loves poetry, literature, avid for study.
22 Ieiael -Governs fortune, renown, diplomacy, commerce, influence on voyages, discoveries, protection against storms and shipwreck. Loves business, industriousness, liberal and philanthropicideas.
23 Melahel - Against weapons and for safety in travel. Governs water, produce of the earth, and especially plants necessary for the cure of disease. Courageous, accomplishes honorable actions.
24 Hahuiah - To obtain the grace and mercy of God. Governs exiles, fugitives, defaulters. Protectsagainst harmful animals. Preserves from thieves and assassins. Loves truth, the exact sciences, sincerein word and deed.
25 Nith-Haiah - For the acquisition of wisdom and the discovery of the truth of hidden mysteries. Governs occult sciences. Gives revelations in dreams, particularly to those born on the day over whichhe presides Influences those who practice the magic of thesages.
26 Haaiah -For the winning of a law suit. Protects those who search after truth. Influences politics, diplomats, secret expeditions and agents.
27 Jerathel -To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance from one's enemies. Governs propagation of light (sic), civilization. Love (sic) peace, justice, science and arts; special affinity for literature.
28 Seeiah - Against infirmities and thunder, protects against fire, the ruin of buildings, falls and illnesses. Governs health, simplicity. Has much judgment.
29 Reiiel - Against the impious and enemies of religion; for deliverance from all enemies both visibleand invisible. Virtue and zeal for the propagation of truth, will do his utmost to destroy impiety.
30 Ornael - Against sorrow, despair and for the acquisition of patience. Governs animal kingdom, watches over the generation of beings. Chemists, doctors, surgeons. Affinity for anatomy and medicine.
31 Lecabel - For the acquisition of knowledge. Governs vegetation and agriculture. Loves astronomy, mathematics and geometry.
32. Vasariah - Against those who attack us in court. Governs justice.Good memory, articulate.
33 Iehuiah - For the identification of traitors.
34 Lehahiah -Against anger. Known for his talents and acts, the confidence and fervor of his prayers.
35 Chevakiah - To regain the favor of those one has offended. Governs testaments, successions andall private financial agreements. Loves to live in peace with everyone. Loves rewarding the loyalty of those in his service.
36 Menadel - To retain one's employment and to preserve one's means of livelihood. Against calumny and for the deliverance of prisoners.
37 Aniel - To obtain victory and stop the siege of a city. Governs sciences and arts. Reveals the secrets of nature, inspires philosophers, sages. Distinguished savant.
38 Haamiah - For the acquisition of all the treasures of heaven and earth. Against fraud, weapons,wild beasts and infernal spirits. Governs all that relates to God.
39 Rehael - For the healing of the sick. Governs health and longevity. Influences paternal and filial affection.
40 Ieiazel - For the deliverance of prisoners, for consolation, for deliverance from one's enemies. Governs printing and books. Men of letters and artists.
41 Hahahel - Against the impious, slanderers. Governs Christianity. Greatness of soul, energy. Consecrated to the service of God.
42 Mikael - For safety in travel. For the discovery of conspiracies. Concerned with political affairs, diplomatic.
43 Veuahiah - For the destruction of the enemy and deliverance from bondage. Love glory and the military.
44 Ielahiah - Success of a useful undertaking. Protection against magistrates. Trials. Protects againstarmies, gives victory. Fond of travel and learning. All his undertakings are crowned with success; distinguished for military capabilities and courage.
45 Sealiah - To confound the wicked and the proud, to exalt the humiliated and the fallen. Governsvegetation. Loves learning, much aptitude.
46 Ariel - To procure revelations. To thank God for the good he sends us. Discovers hidden treasure,reveals the greatest secrets of nature, causes the object of one's desire to be seen in dreams. Strongsubtle mind, new and sublime thoughts, discreet, circumspect.
47 Asaliah - For the praising of God and the growing towards him when he enlightens us. Governs justice, makes the truth known in legal proceedings. Agreeable character, avid for the acquisition of secret knowledge.
48 Michael - For the preservation of peace and the union of man and wife. Protects those who address themselves to him, gives premonitions and secret inspirations. Governs generation of beings. Avid for love, fond of walks and pleasures in general.
49 Vehuel - Sorrow, contrariness. For the exaltation of oneself for the benediction and glory of God. Sensitive and generous soul. Literature, jurisprudence, diplomacy.
50 Daniel - To obtain the mercy of God and consolation. Governs justice, lawyers, solicitors. Furnishes conclusions to those who hesitate. Industrious and active in business, loves literature and isdistinguished for eloquence.
51 Hahasiah - For the elevation of the soul and the discovery of the mysteries of wisdom. Governs chemistry and physics. Reveals the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and universal medicine. Loves abstract science. Devoted to the discovery of the properties of animals, plants and minerals. Distinguished in medicine.
52 Imamiah - Destroys the power of enemies and humbles them. Governs voyages in general, protects prisoners who turn to him and gives them the means of obtaining their freedom. Forceful, vigorous temperament, bears adversity with patience and courage. Fond of work.
53 Nanael - Governs the high sciences. Melancholy humor, avoids rest, meditation, well-versed in the abstract sciences.
54 Nithael - To obtain the mercy of God and live long. Emperor, king, and prince. Renowned for writings and eloquence, of great reputation among the learned.
55 Mabaiah - Beneficial for obtaining consolation and compensations. Governs morality and religion. Distinguished by good deeds and piety.
56 Poiel - For the fulfillment of one's request. Governs renown, fortune and philosophy. Wellesteemed by everyone for his modesty and agreeable humor.
57 Nemmamiah - For general prosperity and the deliverance of prisoners. Governs great captains. Drawn to the military; distinguished for activity and the courageous bearing of fatigue.
58 Ieialel - Protects against sorrow and care and heals the sick, especially afflictions of the eyes. Influences iron and those in commerce. Brave, frank, affinity for Venus.
59 Harahel - Against the sterility of women and to make children obedient to their parents. Governs treasure and banks. Printing, books. Love of learning, successful in business.
60 Mizrael - For the cure of mental illness and deliverance from those who persecute us. Virtuous, longevity.
61 Umabel - To obtain the friendship of a given person. Fond of travel and honest pleasures; sensitive heart.
62 Iah-hel - For the acquisition of wisdom. Governs philosophers, illuminati. Loves tranquility and solitude, modest, virtuous.
63 Anianuel - For the conversion of nations to Christianity. Protects against accidents, heals the sick. Governs commerce, banking. Subtle and ingenious, industrious and active.
64 Mehiel - Against adversities. Protects against rabies and wild beasts. Governs savants, professors, orators and others. Distinguished in literature.
65 Damabiah - Against magic spells and for the obtainment (sic) of wisdom and the undertaking of successful ventures. Governs seas, rivers, springs, sailors. Sailor; amasses a considerable fortune.
66 Manakel -For the appeasement of the anger of God and for the healing of epilepsy. Governsvegetation, aquatic animals. Influences dreams. Gentleness of character.
67 Itaiel - To obtain consolation in adversity and for the acquisition of wisdom. Influences occult science. Makes the truth known to those who call on him in their work. Enlightened requirements of the spirit of God. Fond of solitude, distinguished in higher sciences.
68 Chabuiah - For the preservation of health and the healing of the sick. Governs agriculture andfecundity. Fond of the countryside, hunting, gardens and all that is related to agriculture.
69 Rochel - To find lost or stolen objects and discover the person responsible. Distinguished in the judiciary, morals and customs of all peoples.
70 Iabamiah - Governs the generation of beings and phenomena of nature. Protects those who wish to progress spiritually. Distinguished by genius; one of the great lights of philosophy.
71 Haiel - To confound the wicked and for deliverance from those who seek to oppress us. Protects those who call upon him. Influences fire. Brave.
72 Mumiah - A divine talisman should be prepared under favorable influences with the name of thespirit on the reverse side. Protects in mysterious operations, brings success in all things. Governschemistry, physics and medicine. Influences health and longevity.
Abyss, Lord of Chaos
Aciel, the God Burner
Adatiel, He Who Walks the Land
Adnachiel, The Hunter-Demon
Agiel, Lord of Calamity
Ambriel, the Great Changer
Amnixiel, Demon of the Lines
Anael, Demon of Lust
Apadiel, Musician of the Far Realm
Aratron, Demon of Sorrow
Ariel, Historian of the Far Realm
Avachiel, the Inquisitor
Azerviel, Demon of Defeat
Babalel, Second Demon of War
Barbiel, Lord of Ancients
Barchiel, Tinker of the Far Realm
Befafes, First Demon of War
Blisdon, the Quick One
Bornogo, Lord of Power
Brorges, Archdemon of Woe
Butmono, Demon of Greed
Camael, the Destroyer
Cassiel, Lord of All Conspirators
Cassriel, Poet of the Far Realm
Chenor, the Wish Granter
Dagon, the Great Fish
Decaran, the Beautiful
Digdin, the Disordered
Elim, Lord of Attrition
Eksusha, the God Eyed
Eoligos, Visible and Invisible
Ferug, the Rusting One
Focalor, the Demon that Drowns Men
Forcas, Teacher of Logics and the Secrets of Plants and Gems
Furtur, Demon of Storms
Gamigin, the Horse Lord
Garn, the King Tempter
Grachiel, Archdemon of the Dying Times
Hagith, Demon of Jealousy
Hagonel, Lord under Grachiel
Hamaliel, Lord of Obsessions
Hanael, the Adversarial
Hasmodel, the First Twin Bull
Hasmodai, the Second Twin Bull
Hismael, the Acquirer
Ipos, He Who Knows Things to Come and Past
Jochmus, the First Savior of Hell
Lahad, the Devil Voice
Lesifuges, Bringer of Riches and Shortener of Life
Lucifer, the Morning Star
Malchidael, Demon of Impatience
Malphas, the Tower Builder
Marbuel, Architect of the Far Realm
Marchosias, the Bound Mercenary
Meeod, the Life Restorer
Mephistoph, Lord of the Host
Miczariel, the Warrioress
Muriel, Great Demon of Lies
Naberius, Lord of Cunning
Nestorats, the Fire Master
Nysrog, Lord of the House of Princes
Och, the Sun Speaker
Ophiel, Lord Messenger and God Teacher
Orias, Cartographer of the Far Realm
Ozgin, Demon of Madness
Paimon, Master of Infernal Ceremonies
Parniel, First Lord under Veguaniel
Phaleg, Demon of Discontent
Psohdon, the Inconstant
Ronove, the Knowledge Staff
Rauym, Demon of Filth
Sabnac, Demon of Poisons
Saketh, Second Lord under Veguaniel
Saleos, Panderer of the Far Realm
Schetalim, the Polygod
Stygal, He Who Brings Death
Suluth, the Great Robber
Surgat, Who Opens All Locks
Sytri, Lord of Luxury
Tarthanac, Lord of Goldiron
Tephros, the Ashmaker and Fever Curer
Uphir, Physician of the Far Realm
Vanam, He Who Tells True of Hidden Treasures
Valac, Lord of Snakes
Vegianiel, Archdemon of Fortune
Vepar, the Water Master
Vetis, the Life Promiser
Zablah, Lawmaker of the Far Realm
Zagam, Lord of Forgery
Zuriel, the Stone Master
Zepar, Deformer of the Unborn, Creator of the Chimeras
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